Student Materials on Loan Return Dates

When returning items please make sure your name is on the item and that you are returning the item originally assigned to you. 

Graduating Student TEXTBOOKS AND OTHER MATERIALS: June 20-21 return to course TEACHER
Current, Graduating students with textbooks (direct to classroom teacher) and other materials to return (to teacher or coach etc., )
Graduating Student CHROMEBOOKS: June 20-24 return to main office, cart(s) to be provided
Current, graduating student’s
Graduating students and those not returning to the WRDSB may wish to do an early return of chromebooks and chargers. Further notice will be provided on procedures surrounding the late return of chromebooks.
Chromebooks and their charging cords are the property of the Waterloo Region District School Board and must be returned upon graduation, or when a student transfers from our Board. Chromebooks are to be returned regardless of their condition. Students will not be charged if they return a damaged device. Chromebooks that are not returned will be disabled by WRDSB Information Technology Services.To assist with the return of the chromebook, please ensure there is a sticker with the student name and one for the device affixed to the underside. If the students’ name no longer appears on the sticker, please write the name and student number on a piece of paper and tape it to the underside before returning the chromebook.

Students graduating this semester or who are leaving the WRDSB will have their Google Drive and email accounts closed in August. These students are STRONGLY recommended to back up all documents and emails to their personal drive/accounts before the end of the semester.  Apps such as Google Takeout can make this process easier. Students should consider following  this tutorial to assist with the process.

Late returns are also accepted June 22-24 (return to foyer carts/bins/office during ISS days).

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