Please note that we have updated and created an electronic version of our LHSS Parent and Student Handbook – this can be found on the LHSS school website.  

Special Note: LHSS’ Mobile Device Policy for students.  

In 2019, the Ministry of Education enacted policies to govern the use of mobile devices in schools.  The reason for these policies related to research indicating that use of mobile devices in classrooms impacted student learning and was, in some cases, detrimental to student mental health.  Teachers will be placing special focus on this policy as we move forward – please ensure that your student is aware of our expectations. We feel it is important to help students manage their use of mobile devices to ensure the best outcomes for their wellness and achievement.

LHSS’ School Electronic Device Policy:

During class time, cell phones should be turned off (silenced) and placed out of sight.

Limited Exceptions:

  • for specific educational purposes as directed by the teacher
  • for health and medical purposes (ex: diabetes app)
  • to support special education needs (ex., assistive technology).

Many students are connected to social media apps and regularly access other online apps and games.  Many popular apps use algorithms that are designed to engage users so much that it becomes hard for people to disconnect from them.  In the case of students, it becomes difficult for them to focus on learning.  Studies show that when students are not accessing their smartphones during class, they have increased comprehension of course content, less anxiety, and have increased mindfulness leading to improved well being, Huey and Giguere, 2022.

If mobile device use becomes a problem for your student, the classroom teacher or Vice Principal will connect with you to discuss next steps.  Parental involvement is essential in supporting students in balancing technology use.

Please also see these resources from the Ministry of Education:

What parents can do:

Parents or guardians can teach children about healthy balance of using technology by limiting screen time at home. You can also:

If you have any questions, please reach out to an administrator at the school.

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