Dear Student/Caregiver,

We hope this message finds you well! Upon graduation from high school, some students still require support with their post-secondary education, whether it be at college or university. If you/your student has had support from Learning Services at Laurel Heights, we wanted to provide you with some information as you prepare to graduate from high school.

If you/your student is not planning on attending post-secondary, but heading straight into the workforce, or to trades and apprenticeships, we have information and can help guide them as well.

The two main support options available in colleges and universities include:

Learning Service Centres: which are typically available to all students, supporting student success in academic, work and life skills

Accessibility Centres: that provide academic, work and life services to students with diagnosed disabilities and/or other needs (i.e. medical)

Important- Disclosure:

It is important to note that no information, other than marks, is provided to the college or university from high school. If you wish to start the discussion about support options, you must SELF-DISCLOSE it.  Unlike high school where students with exceptionalities are automatically identified to all their teachers, instructors at the university and college level do not necessarily know who has an exceptionality and who does not.  It is the student’s responsibility to contact the accessibility centre at their post-secondary institution and identify that they would like to access support.

Key Information to note:

If your student has a diagnosed disability (Learning, Communication, Physical, Medical Need, Anxiety etc…) then they should be contacting the schools to find out what type of documentation is required/needs to be updated.

We have included a link to some resources to help get you started!!

Please contact me at if you would like more information or have questions. Students are invited to come and see us in 1503 or 1601 to discuss the information as well. In addition, you/your student’s guidance counsellor can provide great information and suggested actions, so please contact them as well.

Categories: News