The WRDSB has divided its 10 exam/evaluation days in a 1-4 day split each semester, as shown on the secondary school year calendar.  The four days occurring at the end of each semester will allow staff to support and administer exams or final evaluation tasks and determine a grade for students.The Assessment and Evaluation Period for the end of Semester 1 will occur from January 27th to 30th, 2025.

There will be no field trips, WCSSAA games or practices, and no school events for 5 days prior to the end of semester Assessment and Evaluation Days.

  • Exams:  Exams are only being written for select Grade 11 and 12 Courses. Courses with exams have been communicated to students by their classroom teacher.
  • Credit Rescue Opportunities:   Some students will be invited to attend on these days in order to complete final demonstrations of expectations in order to earn their credit.
  • Student Attendance – similar to former exam days, attendance will be taken and submitted for scheduled exams or performance tasks, in-person credit rescue, and level-up opportunities.
  • Study Areas:  The Library will be open for those who wish to engage in quiet study.  The cafeteria will also be open for those who need to work collaboratively together.
  • *Creed Accommodation Days: Any students requiring accommodations for a WRDSB noted day of significance should speak with their teacher and have the option to write the exam at the earliest opportunity within the exam schedule.

During any period of the Instructional Support/Exam days, students could be required by their teacher to be present in class to complete forms of evaluation or complete credit rescue opportunities.

Semester 1 Exam Schedule – All Exams Start at 8:20am

Mon. Jan. 27

Thurs. Jan. 30

Mon. Feb. 3

Tues. Feb. 4

Period A

Period B

Period C

Periood D

School Closure or Unforeseen Event

  • School buses run on their regular schedule during these three days.
  • Listen to local radio and check the school board social media channels/website at and the school website by 6:30 a.m.
  • Evaluations may be postponed for various reasons including inclement weather, bus cancellations, plant malfunctions, etc.  Please do not plan events which require your student to be absent from school on these days.
  • Attendance for students without any scheduled exams is optional unless required by the teacher.

NOTE – due to bus cancellations on Tuesday, Jan. 28th & Wednesday, Jan. 29th, scheduled exams are moved ahead 2 days (see updated schedule above) and Semester 2 startup is now Wednesday, Feb. 5th.  The PD day scheduled for Friday, January 31st does not change.

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