We’re proud to announce that thanks to your help, we raised nearly $40,000 in support of Nutrition for Learning! These funds will help feed students in the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB). Together, we’re helping to make sure that students have the nutrition they need to be able to focus on learning in their classrooms.

“This December, we are so grateful that families and friends of WRDSB schools contributed nearly $40,000 to the school board’s Nutrition for Learning campaign,” said Erin Moraghan, Chief Executive Officer of Nutrition for Learning. “WRDSB works in partnership with N4L to ensure universally accessible school food programs are available during the school day, so no student is ever too hungry to participate and reach their potential. We thank the community for contributing and choosing to support young people in this essential way.”

“I want to share my appreciation for every student, staff member, parent, caregiver and community member who helped us support the incredible work that Nutrition for Learning does in WRDSB schools each and every day,” said Scott Miller, interim Director of Education for the WRDSB. “We know that now, more than ever, food insecurity is a reality in Waterloo Region and the WRDSB is proud to do our part to help fundraise in support of Nutrition 4 Learning.”

Students and Staff at Blair Road Public School work together to support the school’s Nutrition for Learning program.

How You Can Help

There’s still time to make a difference. More than ever, food insecurity is of critical concern across Waterloo Region. With the rising cost of food and basic needs, Nutrition for Learning estimates that as many as 50% of students are relying on school food programs. They need our help.

Visit the Nutrition for Learning website to learn more about how you can get involved.

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