Future Students – Updates for 2022-2023 School Year

We are pleased to announce the relaunch and update to our FUTURE STUDENTS section of our school website, with loads of helpful information for students and families as you begin to navigate the transition to high school in September 2022.  While the main focus of this area is grade 8 to 9 transitions, there are also many resources to help new students joining the Highlander community in the future.  You’ll find links to course selections, special programs, student supports and more.  Feel free to explore!

A huge thanks to the many families who joined us for the virtual information sessions on Thursday, December 9th.  We will post a recorded version of the presentation this week for those students/families who couldn’t attend the live sessions – stay tuned!

Read more about Future Students – Updates for 2022-2023 School Year »

Covid Case Notification

COVID-19: CASE NOTIFICATION   Region of Waterloo Public Health has determined that a student last in the Sir John A Macdonald Secondary School building on November 16, is a confirmed positive case of COVID-19. The identity of the individual is protected by privacy legislation and will not be shared.   Public Health has identified all […]

Diploma Pick Up Starts Today: 12-2:30

To the Graduating Class of 2021:   Reminder that Diploma Pick-Up starts today (12-2:30 Cafe Doors)!  After today, diplomas will be available through the Main Office during School Office Hours. Be sure to stay connected for info. for Spring Reunion Info….and here is the link to an encore broadcast  of Graduation Week  from June 2021 (with […]

December Lunch and Learn Sessions for Parents and Caregivers

As part of our ongoing efforts to support WRDSB parents, caregivers and families, our psychology staff are offering a number of lunch and learn sessions for WRDSB parents, caregivers and family members. These webinars, scheduled over the lunch hour on Wednesdays, aim to equip parents with useful tips and information to assist them in supporting […]

International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls

The UN General Assembly officially designated November 25 as the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. This date was selected to honour the Mirabal sisters, three political activists from the Dominican Republic who were brutally murdered in 1960 by order of the country’s ruler, Rafael Trujillo (1930-1961). The UNiTE by 2030 to […]

Diploma Pick Up Starts Tomorrow (Fri. Nov. 26th)

Dear Class of 2021, Diploma pick-up starts this Friday, November 26th for students who graduated last June. Please come to the side Cafe doors near Erbsville Road between 12 – 2:30 tomorrow. Following this date, diplomas may be picked up from the Main Office during school office hours.

Vaccine Approval for 5 to 11 Year Olds, Return to Normal Model for Semester 2 in Secondary and Rapid Testing Over Winter Holidays

Three important announcements have been made recently that have a direct impact on students and families at the Waterloo Region District School Board (WRDSB): Vaccine Approval for Children Aged 5-11 On November 19, Health Canada approved the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for use in children aged 5-11. Parents and caregivers who wish to […]

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