SJAM staff and students have come together to plan a wellness-focussed week of activities, workshop and more to help address mental health and well-being.  Special events are planned for each day (see schedule below).

We are also pleased to welcome guest speaker Anthony McLean for a whole-school assembly on Wednesday morning.


If you need to reach out for assistance, SJAM’s support staff is always here to help.  Connect with our guidance counsellors, child youth workers, social worker, admin, teachers or any caring adult in the building.  Need help beyond SJAM’s walls – here are a few supports you can access:

KID’S HELP PHONE:  1-800-668-6868 (or send word “text” to 686868)

HERE 24/7:  1-844-437-3247 (Addictions/Mental Health Crisis Service, Waterloo/Wellington)

TELEHEALTH ONTARIO:  1-866-797-0000 (access to Mental Health Nurse)

FRONT DOOR KITCHENER:  519-749-2932 (Youth Mental Health & Crisis Support)

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