Course Information for Quadmester 3

Students will receive quadmester 3 course information on Monday, February 1st. This will be sent to their student email. Please review this information when you receive it and contact your guidance counsellor if you have any concerns. A final confirmation of course information will be emailed out Wednesday February 3rd.  Quadmester 3 will begin Thursday February 4. All students at this time will continue to participate from home.

Students wishing to request any courses changes – please ensure you check the guidance Google classroom post for information.  The change request form will open at noon on Friday and close at noon on Tuesday, February 2nd.  Requests will be processed in the order they were submitted and guidance will notify students of the status of requests ASAP (via student email or phone).  If the quad 3 change was successful, guidance will provide updated course info (room, teacher, cohort).  Please be aware that there is extremely limited space in quad 3/4 courses and many changes will not be possible at this time.

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