The WRDSB acknowledges the ongoing experience and existence of anti-Asian racism and hate-motivated incidents in our community and across the world. We join those around the world in mourning the lives of the six Asian women murdered in an act of white terrorism. The trauma of this racist, misogynistic incident of femicide reverberates far beyond the borders of the United States. Anti-Asian Racism has a long, overlooked history in Canada. In our own communities, province and across our country we should all stand for, and with, Asian Canadians.

We know that incidents of Anti-Asian hate crimes have increased for this population and that these trends are just the most recent manifestation of underlying and systemic injustices and prejudice against this group.

Daily taunts, attacks and hate incidents occur in Canadian cities and the traumatic events in Atlanta have brought these out into this light.

Before this violent incident occurred, our equity working team had already begun to lay the foundation for addressing anti-Asian racism across our schools and supporting our Asian students. This act of racist violence only serves as a reminder that this work is urgent and necessary. In light of this event, we will be supporting our educators, schools and families by sharing resources for learning and emotional support. This is the beginning of important work and we invite the wider community to join us in active allyship.

We have urged all educators and school administrators to provide our Asian-identifying students to create and support spaces of healing and open conversation as we grapple with ongoing incidents of trauma and racism in our community. Moreover, as we work to eradicate anti-Asian racism, let us be reminded that celebrating culture is also a tool of resistance.

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