Skilled trades are a great option for all high school students to seriously consider. There’s a high and growing demand for people to fill good paying, satisfying careers in the skilled trades. This webinar will feature a keynote address from Jon Callegher, Executive Director of JobTalks, information about the OYAP program, followed by a Q & A.

In this captivating presentation, Dr. Callegher will reveal: 

  • What makes a “Good Job” according to Ontario parents 
  • Common concerns about children’s well-being today 
  • What parents really think about University and College pathways 
  • The physical and mental health benefits of the Skilled Trades 
  • How “University-bound” traits are also Skilled Trades traits 

Dr. Jon Callegher, an award-winning employment researcher, will explain why guidance counsellors and teachers can be confident in their support of the  Skilled Trades as a post-secondary pathway for their students.

Categories: News