Skilled trades are a great option for all high school students to seriously consider. There’s a high and growing demand for people to fill good paying, satisfying careers in the skilled trades. This webinar will feature a keynote address from Jon Callegher, Executive Director of JobTalks, information about the OYAP program, followed by a Q & A.

In this dynamic virtual presentation, Dr. Jon Callegher of Job Talks will share his latest research on the emotional and experiential challenges facing young people today. He will reveal five research-backed reasons for why working in the skilled trades, especially in a post-COVID-19 world, is an ideal career option. He will also introduce the concept of “balanced intelligence” as a defining quality of tradespeople.

Dr. Jon Callegher, an award-winning employment researcher, will explain why students can be confident in their pursuit of the  Skilled Trades as a post-secondary pathway.

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